Sunday, August 19, 2018


Congratulations again to Daniel Menchik, who prevails in Cincinnati! This is Daniel's third career FTL title, and second title this year alone. Daniel also smashes the all-time record for points scored at this tournament, with 88.6 points. How does he do it??? Steady play on both wings. Daniel picked all four finalists playing today: Djokovic and Federer on the men's side, as well as Bertens (Lone Wolf pick!) and Halep on the women's side. That's just too good!

Daniel Menchik 55.6 33.0 88.6
Rob Clark 61.2 18.4 79.6
Kevin Sanikidze 67.2 5.4 72.6
Greg Burge 54.7 0.0 54.7
Diego Busch 24.8 23.9 48.7
Jeremy Freese 0.0 48.0 48.0
Chris Burge 36.8 0.0 36.8
Danny Kapovic 19.4 13.2 32.6
Amy Kroska 17.4 12.0 29.4
Cyrus Schleifer 17.4 12.0 29.4
Loretta Bass 19.4 9.0 28.4
Andy Fullerton 15.8 9.0 24.8
Jeff Langlais 3.6 20.4 24.0
Todd Peterson 15.8 0.0 15.8
Roberta Bell 1.6 13.6 15.2

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