Sunday, August 12, 2018


Behold the amazing Thunder Kittens! Cyrus Schleifer wins Canada, his first career FTL title. Thanks to his superb Lone Wolf pick of Stefanos Tsitsipas, Cyrus blows out the competition. This is the kind of late season push that all FTLers dream of. Can he keep the momentum going in Cincinnati? We'll find out soon enough because we start back up tomorrow! I'll send everyone's picks ASAP. Hopefully, by tomorrow night.

Cyrus Schleifer 58.0 16.8 74.8
Chris Burge 22.8 24.4 47.2
Andy Fullerton 22.8 24.4 47.2
Kevin Sanikidze 22.8 24.4 47.2
Danny Kapovic 19.2 26.8 46.0
Loretta Bass 6.0 37.2 43.2
Diego Busch 12.4 27.6 40.0
Roberta Bell 9.2 20.6 29.8
Todd Peterson 16.0 9.2 25.2
Amy Kroska 18.4 0.0 18.4
Greg Burge 9.6 3.6 13.2
Daniel Menchik 6.8 4.2 11.0
Rob Clark 2.0 5.0 7.0
Jeremy Freese 0.0 0.0 0.0
Jeff Langlais 0.0 0.0 0.0

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