Tuesday, July 3, 2018

World Cup Challenge Quarterfinals Update

Sweet Mother of Pearl! Annie B and her Funky Bunch are annihilating the competition and have built such a massive lead over everyone else that they're already planning their victory parade. They've even gone out and signed DeMarcus Cousins for good measure. Is it all over? Should we just cancel the rest of the World Cup and get back to Wimbledon? Probably.

But! According to my abacus, Jeff and Diego still have an outside shot at winning this thing. Diego needs Uruguay to defeat Russia in the finals and have Brazil defeat England in the 3rd place match. And all four of those teams must win their quarterfinals, of course. In other words, all remaining matches must break exactly right for Diego. Jeff has a little more wiggle room, but his simplest path involves an England over France final, coupled with a Brazil over Russia 3rd place match.

Be sure to catch all the quarterfinal action this Friday and Saturday. I'll post the next round of updates afterwards.

Anne Berry 53.0
Peyman Hekmatpour 33.0
Jeff Langlais 28.0
Diego Busch 25.0
Greg Burge 24.0
Jeremy Freese 22.0
Martin Piotrowski 20.0
Cyrus Schleifer 20.0
Charrua 18.0
Amy Kroska 18.0
Rob Clark 16.0
Jeff Fine 14.0
Andy Fullerton 14.0
Danny Kapovic 14.0
Erin Maher 11.0
Warren Metcalf 10.0

1 comment:

  1. wow! all credit goes to the Funky Bunch for his excellent beer-fueled picks!
