Tuesday, September 4, 2018

US Open Quarterfinals Update

We're through to the quarterfinals at our last event of the season, the US Open. And no surprise to see Greg and Daniel at the top, duking it out. All the chips are in the middle of the table. The gumball machine, the plaque, FTL fame and glory, and everything else you can possibly imagine are all on the line here. Greg is making one last push to catch up to Daniel and defend his crown. Can he do it?? For starters, he'll need Thiem to defeat Nadal tomorrow evening.

Greg Burge 30.0 63.2 93.2
Daniel Menchik 30.8 48.8 79.6
Rob Clark 36.0 32.0 68.0
Kevin Sanikidze 20.4 46.4 66.8
Cyrus Schleifer 0.0 61.6 61.6
Todd Peterson 46.4 5.6 52.0
Danny Kapovic 27.2 24.0 51.2
Roberta Bell 32.0 8.0 40.0
Jeff Langlais 14.0 21.6 35.6
Andy Fullerton 31.6 2.8 34.4
Chris Burge 12.4 11.2 23.6
Loretta Bass 13.6 5.6 19.2
Amy Kroska 13.6 5.6 19.2
Diego Busch 0.0 8.0 8.0
Jeremy Freese 0.0 0.0 0.0

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