Friday, September 7, 2018

US Open Finals Update

Last round we learned that Daniel is our new FTL Champion! Today we learned that Greg is our new US Open champ! Both celebrations are forthcoming. In the meantime, Greg will be trying to beat his own record for most points scored in a single tournament. If Serena wins tomorrow, he'll do it.

Greg Burge 62.0 158.4 220.4
Rob Clark 77.6 96.0 173.6
Kevin Sanikidze 48.4 124.8 173.2
Daniel Menchik 68.8 102.4 171.2
Cyrus Schleifer 0.0 163.2 163.2
Danny Kapovic 77.6 72.0 149.6
Roberta Bell 64.0 24.0 88.0
Todd Peterson 78.4 5.6 84.0
Andy Fullerton 69.2 2.8 72.0
Jeff Langlais 40.0 21.6 61.6
Chris Burge 37.2 11.2 48.4
Loretta Bass 32.8 5.6 38.4
Amy Kroska 32.8 5.6 38.4
Diego Busch 0.0 24.0 24.0
Jeremy Freese 0.0 0.0 0.0

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