Monday, June 4, 2018

French Open Quarterfinals Update

I'm so proud of us. Look at these point totals! Everyone's doing really well so far. This may end up being one of the highest average point totals in FTL history. Unfortunately, only one of us can end up at the top. And that person right now is Greg Burge! Greg's got a whopping 65.2 points, and we're only through to the quarterfinals. But there are lots of people who are within striking distance. Onward, FTLers!

Greg Burge 39.2 26.0 65.2
Daniel Menchik 50.2 14.0 64.2
Kevin Sanikidze 50.0 10.8 60.8
Roberta Bell 14.4 38.6 53.0
Jeff Langlais 46.6 4.0 50.6
Rob Clark 44.0 6.0 50.0
Amy Kroska 49.0 0.0 49.0
Diego Busch 20.4 25.6 46.0
Chris Burge 11.2 34.0 45.2
Todd Peterson 26.0 19.2 45.2
Andy Fullerton 35.2 8.0 43.2
Cyrus Schleifer 30.8 8.0 38.8
Danny Kapovic 25.6 8.0 33.6
Jeremy Freese 16.8 13.6 30.4
Loretta Bass 23.0 5.6 28.6

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