Sunday, May 13, 2018

Overall Standings

Now it's time to update the overall standings as we transition from Madrid to Rome. On Monday, our new world #1 will be Daniel Menchik! Congratulations, Dan! Amy and Kevin occupy the current silver and bronze positions, and there are plenty of other FTLers within striking distance. So let's get back to work, everyone! Enjoy the matches in Rome this week.

Total PB
Daniel Menchik 255.7 0.0
Amy Kroska 240.5 15.2
Kevin Sanikidze 238.9 16.8
Greg Burge 214.2 41.5
Diego Busch 213.2 42.5
Danny Kapovic 207.6 48.1
Rob Clark 203.1 52.6
Jeff Langlais 183.0 72.7
Jeremy Freese 149.1 106.6
Roberta Bell 142.4 113.3
Loretta Bass 122.6 133.1
Chris Burge 113.8 141.9
Cyrus Schleifer 110.8 144.9
Andy Fullerton 90.2 165.5
Todd Peterson 78.0 177.7

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